Jesus the Faithful Son

Christ is faithful over God’s house as a son. And we are his house if indeed we hold fast our confidence and our boasting in our hope. (Hebrews 3.6)

There is a special bond between fathers and sons. Growing young men have a deep desire to hear their fathers say they are proud of them, and even the strongest father can be moved to tears when that sentiment is returned. We have been made for relationship. We have been made to live within love and supportive families. Not spread out across the emotional globe of fractured bonds and dislocated alliances, but together, united, sharing one life as if we all lived in one house. Sadly, many fathers and sons do not experience the full strength of that relationship because of sin. They may live in the same home, the same neighborhood, the same town, but they are worlds apart.

And into our brokenness our triune God speaks to us. He models for us within Himself how He wants us to live in unity. Jesus is the perfect model of the faithful son. God the Father does not exasperate his son or provoke Him to anger, but He does challenge Him, encourage Him, support Him, gives His son’s life purpose. Jesus the faithful son endures human life, fully God yet fully man. He endured temptation. Jesus knew the Father’s plan to redeem humanity. Jesus heard the Father speak His pleasure over Him before His friends and followers. Jesus gave His life for our salvation willingly because of His love for the Father.

And we are his house. Jesus is the faithful son on whom all our confidence and hope rest. We can taste the perfect relationship and experience it through Jesus.

Jesus, I have an unshakable hope and immovable confidence that I am yours and you brought me into relationship with the Father.