Jesus the Peace

For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility (Ephesians 2.14)

Jesus is our peace. Can we truly grasp the depth of this simple phrase? Jesus is our peace. If we have a weak understanding of the devilishness and viciousness of our sin we might devalue this awesome truth. For those who have lived, visibly bound in sins like drug abuse or invisibly enslaved under the victimizing hand of sexual abuse, the peace Jesus offers in Himself is breath-taking. The eyes that shook from a desperate need for comfort find true peace in Jesus. The eyes that wept from the cruel exploitation find the true embrace of God’s love in Jesus.

Jesus our peace aims across the battlefield of our souls and raises His mighty arm to kill the hostility that separates us from His love. In His incarnate arms He breaks the back of sin and death that makes our access to His eternal peace unreachable. There is no rigid observance of regulations that seeks to find its way to pacifism. Jesus Himself is our peace. We, the redeemed people of God, need not memorize the walls of history's hedge laws for we have found the sole source of reconciliation to God the Father: Jesus our peace.

Every thing we do flows from love not fear, joy not fatalism, hope not resignation. Our good deeds flow from peace not performance. Our good intentions are rooted in peace not anxiety over our future. We do not scrounge for crumbs of goodwill with God. No, we are carried to the table where we take the bread broken for us for the redemption of our sins. Peace. True Peace. Jesus.

Jesus, thank you that you are my peace. I have no fear in the battles and wars to come for you are my Sovereign, my Lord, my everlasting Peace.