Jesus the Strength Giver

I thank him who has given me strength, Christ Jesus our Lord, because he judged me faithful, appointing me to his service (1 Timothy 1.12)

Whether the morning skies are stormy, overcast clouds heavy with rain, or the sunbeams are bursting across the dawn dancing on azure fields, today is a day of rejoicing. We have reason to praise. We have reason to be thankful. Jesus is our strength giver.

When we were far from God, Jesus came near to us. He called us out of our weakness, out of our sin, and invited us to new life at the foot of the cross. Like the countless lame men and women brought to Jesus He stretched His hand out to us and lifted us to our feet. He filled our bodies with His strength to stand in salvation.

When we came near to the cross, broken in our sin, convicted of our failures, devastated by our unsurmountable debt, Jesus washed us in the blood of His sacrifice. On His sinless shoulders He took the weight of our sin. Our voices crack with the incomprehensible joy of redemption. Jesus gives us strength to worship God as the Father looks upon us with gladness and Jesus judged us faithful.

When we were still infants in faith, crawling and barely comprehending the magnitude of our forgiveness, Jesus our strength giver appointed us to His service. He did not leave us aimless, purposeless, wandering. Jesus our strength giver gave us a purpose, avenues through which we can bring him praise and glory. We can lift up gifts and offerings too great for us to accomplish on our own before His throne in His strength. And that is a glorious reason to be thankful.

Thank you, Jesus, for judging me faithful in your faithfulness, appointing me to serve you as you have served me first. I will bless your name with thanksgiving and resounding joy!